Podcasts: Practice Elements

Asana & Awakening Kundalini

24 May, 2024
In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.

Ask Me Anything, Four Questions from Students

21 April, 2024
In this month's podcast, David answer four questions from students. See the notes for the questions.

How Many Asanas Are Enough?

24 November, 2023
David explores this question by examining Krishnamacharya, Yoga Vashista, and the Bhagavad Gita

Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa: Movement, Breath, and Posture

3 May, 2023
In this podcast, David Garrigues describes how to use his new book, Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa: Movement,, Breath, and Posture.

My 10 Day Rice Fast

28 April, 2022
In this podcast I discuss that when you finally face you’re in pain and you’re suffering that’s when you need to simplify, break your habits, and embrace constant change and the unknown.

Modify and Customize Your Practice

14 January, 2022
In this podcast David dives into the methodology behind props, modifying, and customizing in the Ashtanga practice.

Dear DG, Question and Answer

18 November, 2021
In this podcast, David answers students questions. List of questions and time code provided in the notes.

Avoiding the Trap of Perfectionism

2 April, 2021
In this podcast I discuss how to avoid the traps of perfectionism and win the freedom to try as hard, as long, and as openly as you want everyday.

The Fight of the Ages: Pain vs Creativity

10 March, 2021
In this podcast I speak about pain and creativity as an unlikely pair of opposites, a closely connected duo that are fated to coexist within me and to play off of each other in an ongoing battle for supremacy.

4 Attitudes to Clear Your Mind

20 June, 2020
In this podcast David uses Yoga Sutra 1:33 and discusses the four different attitudes to take to go from a clouded mind to a clear mind.

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