My 10 Day Rice Fast

28 April, 2022
In this podcast I discuss that when you finally face you’re in pain and you’re suffering that’s when you need to simplify, break your habits, and embrace constant change and the unknown.


You can’t become complacent about any aspect of your life if you want to remain at your best. It’s so easy to slip into habits in the routine things you do, like your diet, practice and the thoughts you think. It’s common to ignore signs of sickness and become complacent. In this podcast I discuss that when you finally face you’re in pain and you’re suffering that’s when you need to simplify, break your habits, and embrace constant change and the unknown. The challenge of constantly pushing forward, learning, growing, and engaging in the evolution of yourself means sacrifice is needed. You have to give up things you become familiar with and attached to. And that process needs to continue for your whole life. That’s the recipe for health.

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