Asana & Awakening Kundalini
24 May, 2024
In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.
Indriyas: Mastery Over The Senses
2 January, 2024
Using Yoga Sutras 3:48 and 3:49, David breaks down the indriyas and discusses how to explore them on the mat.
You Are of This World and That World
25 January, 2019
In this podcast David uses the Hindu myth of Vamana and Bali to discuss the material and spiritual world, and the need for the yoga practitioner to learn how to balance each of them in their lives.