Asana & Awakening Kundalini

24 May, 2024
In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.


In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.

He outlines the classic tantric imagery that is ubiquitous to many of the sacred texts and discusses the relevance of this important schemata to the practice of asana, vinyasa, and pranayama.

David reads from such sacred Hatha Yoga texts as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Geranda Samhita, and Prasna Upanishad to give examples how the kundalini language and schemata are inherently embedded in these texts.

He also gives examples of how the 7 asana principles are a secret, disguised road map to kundalini awakening. The asana principles: 1) Samasthiti is every pose, 2)crouch and spring to transition 3) ground legs and arms 4) awaken spine 5) tap breath 6 ) seal in energy 7) play with opposites

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