Podcasts: Bandhas

Asana & Awakening Kundalini

24 May, 2024
In this podcast, David defines the grand concept of Kundalini and how this main concept is associated with more familiar terms such as Prana, Shakti, Nadis, Shushumna, Mudra, Prana and Apana Vayu, as well as Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.

Dear DG, Question and Answer

18 November, 2021
In this podcast, David answers students questions. List of questions and time code provided in the notes.

Action Makes An Asana

15 May, 2019
One main part of practicing is to continually wonder about how to be in your pose when you are staying there, what to think about, what is the goal(s), what to do with your body, when to be effortful and when to relax?  In this podcast I answer these questions and I discuss the concept of action in the state of the asana and give tips on how to come to a more subtle understanding of yoga through creating actions throughout the body when you are in a pose.

Customizing Your Practice Is The 7th Series

27 March, 2019
In this podcast I discuss the evolution of your ashtanga yoga practice. What happens down the road, when you are years or decades into your sadhana? There are many clear rules that get you started such as practicing 6 days a week or learning a series one posture at a time. The most talked about or emphasized ashtanga practice tenets can serve you well for many years. But sooner or later there comes a time when you need more or different or further guidance.

Three Levels of Yogic Purification

13 September, 2018
In this Asana Kitchen podcast David talks about the three levels of purification and how all three are necessary to climb the staircase from hatha yoga to raja yoga.

From Practice Principle to Concentration

8 June, 2018
In this podcast David teaches how utilizing a single principle in your yoga practice can take you from a clouded, disturbed mind to a clear, lucid, settled, blessed mind.

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