The Fight of the Ages: Pain vs Creativity

10 March, 2021
In this podcast I speak about pain and creativity as an unlikely pair of opposites, a closely connected duo that are fated to coexist within me and to play off of each other in an ongoing battle for supremacy.


In this podcast I speak about pain and creativity as an unlikely pair of opposites, a closely connected duo that are fated to coexist within me and to play off of each other in an ongoing battle for supremacy.   Though often not welcome, pain is a principal ally of creativity, a main motivator of positive action, an effective catalyst for inner revolution and evolution, and an ever-present, wise reminder of constant change.  Also in this talk I discuss this statement from the Yoga Vashista:   “The power of creativity is always found through logic and by facing experience.  The speaker is heard not the one who remains silent”. 

I discuss the two poles of pain that help lead me towards tapping my creativity.  On one hand I am prodded forward by incurring the pain of my complacencies.  I can remain stuck, fearful, inert, or unable to act for some time but eventually pressure builds up to the point of unbearable discomfort.  When the affliction from inaction becomes strong enough I am finally able to rebel against my own cowardly inertia, impelled to act, I break the dam, move beyond my fears, and find something new, different, and preferably more suited to who I am now.     

At the opposite pole I am laid low or humbled by pain when my strivings become inflated, too extreme, too attached, overly ambitious, egotistical, or otherwise not aligned with the deeper, more central and worthy aspects of myself.   

My striving for perfection, my drive to do better, my thirst for soul, represents a powerful force within me that is difficult to harness and direct.  And by overcoming my fears and following my inner promptings into action I will fail, suffer loss, incur pain, and have to pay for my lack of skill or accuracy.  But by continuing to act with full faith I will eventually up my rate of success, win more often, create healing, and improve the skill and accuracy of my efforts.  Being conscious of my pain as commit to action helps me walk a razor’s edge between complacency and extremity in action.  I know my desire as my greatest ally and know I must learn to follow this ally with vigilant awareness and trust in the goodness and the soul that is the true essence of me.    

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