Podcasts: Pain

Outsmart Pain In Practice

28 September, 2019
In this podcast David discusses the five root causes of pain and gives practical ways to work with pain in your asana practice.

Silence, Pattabhi Jois, and Moving Forward in Ashtanga

12 July, 2019

Three Levels of Yogic Purification

13 September, 2018
In this Asana Kitchen podcast David talks about the three levels of purification and how all three are necessary to climb the staircase from hatha yoga to raja yoga.

Meditation on Conflict, Forgiveness, and Resolution

12 July, 2018
In this Asana Kitchen podcast David Garrigues uses psychologist James Hillman's article on betrayal to discuss ahimsa and how it plays out in conflict, forgiveness, and resolution. "You can't even learn about trust and forgiveness without being betrayed."

From Practice Principle to Concentration

8 June, 2018
In this podcast David teaches how utilizing a single principle in your yoga practice can take you from a clouded, disturbed mind to a clear, lucid, settled, blessed mind.

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