Ashtanga’s Dynamic Dimension

Ashtanga’s Dynamic Dimension

Dynamic is a word that aptly describes the personality and teaching of my late teacher Sri K Pattabhi Jois (Guruji). And what I learned about the connection between vinyasa and dynamism from him has been a major source of my love for the Ashtanga yoga method. In 94′ when I began studying with Guruji at his old shala in Mysore, I used to stay after class just to watch him teach. He would work in many different ways to help each person better tap into the inherent dynamism that is found in every aspect of the practice. Here's a little story about Guruji on this subject.

One day it happened that there were several of us students hanging around in the front room of Guruji's old house hoping for some of Amma's delicious coffee. The atmosphere was rather loose at that time, there was no official conference, no distinct timing or plan, no official teaching from him. We'd just mosey over there towards sunset and see what was up. Sometimes questions about the practice would be introduced and if Guruji were in the right frame of mind, he'd answer. So the topic whether some people were teaching the method correctly or not came up, something that had to do with the speed of the practice.

During the discussion there was an interval of cross talk and commotion, and during this time Guruji looked at me, and for a moment it was as if it was only he and I in the room.


The rest of this article can be found in Maps and Musings

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