There are no easy or fast solutions to many of the problems we each face personally as well as collectively. There is often great complexity in the even the basic matters that we must deal with. The complexity that is inherent to acting skillfully and responding fittingly to whatever circumstances we face requires us to be patient, caring, and compassionate with ourselves and with each other.
Every act of prayer contains an element of emptying yourself, a relinquishment of volition, will and ego.
How do you encourage a student who keeps taking stabs at Marichyasana D and they still can't bind? As a teacher, how do you not get frustrated and go, “what the hell? You've been working on this for 6 years!"
Breathing is the key to opening your body. There is obviously a genetic component to flexibility, but breathing helps you to open up to that.
I continue to want to research the postures because I have a hunger to explore the states of awareness that become available to me when I am practicing. The time that I spend in a yoga posture is a time of communion where I feel awake and in tune with ever
There are a lot of different reasons why a person may not enjoy their practice, correct?
The solitary quest that takes your whole life. And yet the universe has conspired to make it so that you need a guide. Even the most independent person needs help, an ally. And a good teacher is strong willed. They have ideas about how the student should
Ashtanga is not arbitrarily difficult or demanding—no, the practice provides you with a perfect, explicit model of what it takes to come to the mastery of anything. And the requirements of Ashtanga’s sacrifice are so blatant, physical and explicit.
To me the ashtanga family is like a fragile eco system and thus your own internal relationships and the external relationships with others in the family have to be tended to very carefully in order maintain a balance. And so even though I may disagree wi
I'm biased but I think that Ashtanga is the best practice. And the way to learn Ashtanga is to find a teacher who teaches Mysore. Sign up for the month and follow their instruction. If you can't get access to a teacher then a dvd can do it.