Here are pictures of my go to books
If yoga is to take its proper place as an main, effective agent for positive change in the world it is because of the philosophy that it is based on—not as much because of the power of doing the physical postures.
I came across these words of one dancer: “The bravest thing a dancer can do is get old”. The same is true of a hatha yogi who dares to get old and keep practicing.
Its important to remember that yoga can be a primary source of health and a main component of preventative and curative medicine
Even though most of us begin yoga without giving much or any thought to the yamas eventually we open the door to contemplating and even putting them into action.
Hi level shape making has little to do with doing advanced shapes and more to do with feeling compelled to mine the gold from nearly any shape.
I was 17. It was 1980. I was your classic looking punk rocker; tucked pants into army boots, a black leather jacket, and hair spiked with Murray’s pomade. I was scary looking.
Yes, the road behind me is strewn with my failures and as painful as all these mistakes were, and are, at least I can say I took on my darkness.