Writings: Devotion

Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

To me the ashtanga family is like a fragile eco system and thus your own internal relationships and the external relationships with others in the family have to be tended to very carefully in order maintain a balance. And so even though I may disagree wi
Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Your efforts in practice are meant to feed the ideal images that you are shaping within your mind and body, and this maturation takes place nearly imperceptibly, little by little, day by day. Part of establishing yourself in the discipline, is learning to
Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

The hatha yogi uses his body to create an inward, symbolic sand mandala each morning, and thus he mounts to a similar pinnacle of devotion, a turning away from the pull of materiality in favor of turning towards the sublime spiritual realms within. In ma
Everywhere looking only God seeing

Everywhere looking only God seeing

To practice Isvara pranidhana is to endeavor to live your life from the perspective that everything under the sun shares a benevolent, invisible, cohesive, inescapable connection with everything else.

You want to know what inspires me?

That is one of the main reasons for practice—to inspire yourself. It's not only discipline, determination, toughness and stubbornness that gets me on my mat each day…

Advanced Practice, Advanced Person?

Its not extreme. It doesn't mean there aren't physical or mental benefits but it's like trying to fit a square peg through a round hole.

Will you Honour the Bad Man Lineage?

Pattabhi Jois demanded that his students follow his method with clear and strict accuracy, but he achieved this partly by tolerance, understanding, smiles, hugs and overall benevolence.

Ready to Quit

One of yoga's GREAT gifts is to show you your limits, To show you that despite thinking you are giving everything you have to give it is not enough.
How a Yoga Teacher Motivates Students

How a Yoga Teacher Motivates Students

Often I'm trying to create a new pattern where an old, rutted pattern exists. And the chances of that rutted pattern continuing are great and so to create a new pattern takes a total investment from the student and I have to have that agreement.

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