Writings: Hatha Yoga

How do I practice or cultivate devotion in my asanas?

How do I practice or cultivate devotion in my asanas?

I’m going to tell you a secret about myself. I started practicing Yoga for sport. To stretch my muscles out from running. I taught myself how to practice for devotion.
My little station in Yoga

My little station in Yoga

Most of the day I feel that I waste the miracle of life that I know I am part of. The evidence of the miracle—–the undisputable fact of the world’s Beauty and Intelligence is literally everywhere. And this miracle of life cannot even be denied in midst o
Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

To me the ashtanga family is like a fragile eco system and thus your own internal relationships and the external relationships with others in the family have to be tended to very carefully in order maintain a balance. And so even though I may disagree wi
Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Your efforts in practice are meant to feed the ideal images that you are shaping within your mind and body, and this maturation takes place nearly imperceptibly, little by little, day by day. Part of establishing yourself in the discipline, is learning to
Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

The hatha yogi uses his body to create an inward, symbolic sand mandala each morning, and thus he mounts to a similar pinnacle of devotion, a turning away from the pull of materiality in favor of turning towards the sublime spiritual realms within. In ma
Maximize the hip opening benefits of Baddha Konasana

Maximize the hip opening benefits of Baddha Konasana

Baddhakonasana, Bound Angle Pose, is an important hip opening seated posture that is found in the primary series. In this blog post I provide instruction for the upright phase and the two forward bending phases...

Want Yoga? Stop taking it literally.

To learn yoga you must stop seeing things LITERALLY, because nothing is as it appears to be. The world does not exist in the terms that my calculating mind fools me into thinking that it does. To become properly involved with this world, first I must rea
Great Courage, Mighty Enthusiasm, and Full Strength

Great Courage, Mighty Enthusiasm, and Full Strength

When I do seated postures in this cosmically designated, exclusive spot, my gaze naturally falls along the back wall of a vintage piece of recording gear that sits there. Down near the base of this large wooden box is an old bumper sticker that reads...

From David’s Journal: Physical and Mental Edge

A significant part of asana practice is to encounter physical hardship, it is by challenging yourself physically that the body becomes firm, strong, and healthy–the strong body enables you to work with your mind.
Six Days a Week Since 93’

Six Days a Week Since 93’

As we all age we see how challenging it is to continue to practice in such a way that our bodies and minds stay truly strong, fit and supple. Other priorites come along to replace the fire, zeal, and devotion we have for practice.

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