There is a sacred text called the Vijnana Bhairava, a gift from the God Shiva, and in it Shiva gives a set of yantras or images that are to be repeatedly held in the mind as devices for meditation.
Hi level shape making has little to do with doing advanced shapes and more to do with feeling compelled to mine the gold from nearly any shape.
Every act of prayer contains an element of emptying yourself, a relinquishment of volition, will and ego.
Sansaya (doubt) is one of the 9 obstacles that clouds the mind and thwarts practice. Skepticism, cynicism, jadedness, lack of trust, fear of trust, worry, anxiety, anticipating the worst, finding the worst, all of these are reflective of doubt.
Your work with the pelvic floor is more than a physical practice of contracting certain muscles in the lower pelvis. Whether you contract the anus, genitals, or the perineum, it is more valuable to focus on mula bandha as an energetic redirection...
I’m a bit of a nut when it comes to practicing in solitude. I imagine at times this can be hard on my practice partner but she also knows how thankful I am for her and our practice time.
One of the first things he taught in his book was that in order to get anywhere playing bass you have to like the sounds that you make. He emphasized that this was equally true for a beginner and a veteran.
How do you encourage a student who keeps taking stabs at Marichyasana D and they still can't bind? As a teacher, how do you not get frustrated and go, “what the hell? You've been working on this for 6 years!"
When you look within you may very well find that in one sense you are way, way too hard on yourself. For whatever reason you are applying a standard or a rigor at the wrong time(s) and/or in the wrong way(s). What is the effect on you and your practice w
The peacock expressing himself in his own original way with full confidence is automatically attractive, no need for an extra push from the ego. No matter what he physically looks like he will be beautiful when he expresses himself from an honest, natural