Writings: Dynamism

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice is the Reward

The hatha yogi uses his body to create an inward, symbolic sand mandala each morning, and thus he mounts to a similar pinnacle of devotion, a turning away from the pull of materiality in favor of turning towards the sublime spiritual realms within. In ma
Maximize the hip opening benefits of Baddha Konasana

Maximize the hip opening benefits of Baddha Konasana

Baddhakonasana, Bound Angle Pose, is an important hip opening seated posture that is found in the primary series. In this blog post I provide instruction for the upright phase and the two forward bending phases...
What is your vinyasa end position?

What is your vinyasa end position?

I recently posted about the importance of spinal positioning in asana study, and also how the asana allies can help you to position your spine in the center of your asana. When I say asana ally, I mean that in response to the mind’s tendency to be turned o
Ashtanga’s Dynamic Dimension

Ashtanga’s Dynamic Dimension

During the discussion there was an interval of cross talk and commotion, and during this time Guruji looked at me, and for a moment it was as if it was only he and I in the room.

You want to know what inspires me?

That is one of the main reasons for practice—to inspire yourself. It's not only discipline, determination, toughness and stubbornness that gets me on my mat each day…

Asana the First Limb of Ashtanga Yoga

Asana practice can teach me the necessity of allowing thought to be born out of bodily awareness, out of feeling, sensing, and perceiving in a very distinctly animal way.
Summary notes on Pasasana (The Noose Posture)

Summary notes on Pasasana (The Noose Posture)

Balancing in a full squatting position is one of the most important and challenging aspects to this posture. The feet are your foundation, they are directly in contact with the earth.

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