Writings: Yoga Motivation

Interview: Do you enjoy your practice?

Interview: Do you enjoy your practice?

There are a lot of different reasons why a person may not enjoy their practice, correct?
Your upper and low body have different jobs. Do you know what they are?

Your upper and low body have different jobs. Do you know what they are?

Imagining that you are a Patanjali, a centaur or a mermaid can help you make best use of the energetic differences that exist between your lower and upper body
No reason is the best reason to practice

No reason is the best reason to practice

Practice only because you want to practice. End of statement. Don’t do it for any reason at all, not for following a lineage, for weight loss, to get in shape, fun, health, spiritual growth, realization, prayer, or devotion. NOT FOR ANY OF THOSE REASONS.
Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Do we need the beautiful Yoga photo?

Your efforts in practice are meant to feed the ideal images that you are shaping within your mind and body, and this maturation takes place nearly imperceptibly, little by little, day by day. Part of establishing yourself in the discipline, is learning to
How a Yoga Teacher Motivates Students

How a Yoga Teacher Motivates Students

Often I'm trying to create a new pattern where an old, rutted pattern exists. And the chances of that rutted pattern continuing are great and so to create a new pattern takes a total investment from the student and I have to have that agreement.

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