Writings: Bhakti

Learn to Love Your Asana Posture

Learn to Love Your Asana Posture

One of the first things he taught in his book was that in order to get anywhere playing bass you have to like the sounds that you make. He emphasized that this was equally true for a beginner and a veteran.
Acknowledge Suffering

Acknowledge Suffering

What is the first waking moment you can remember in your life? I remember being 3 years old and locking myself in an unlit closet. I was trapped and crying for help.


One week you are springing out of bed to practice and the next you are dragging yourself to the mat. It is like being in an ocean where the current is deceptive, you think you are in control, in one place, and then in a snap you are downstream!
Taste the Dirt of Yoga

Taste the Dirt of Yoga

Yes, the road behind me is strewn with my failures and as painful as all these mistakes were, and are, at least I can say I took on my darkness.
The Asana Practice, a Teacher of Breath

The Asana Practice, a Teacher of Breath

Breathing is the key to opening your body. There is obviously a genetic component to flexibility, but breathing helps you to open up to that.
25 Years of Yoga Fire

25 Years of Yoga Fire

I continue to want to research the postures because I have a hunger to explore the states of awareness that become available to me when I am practicing. The time that I spend in a yoga posture is a time of communion where I feel awake and in tune with ever
When your Yoga practice becomes a pain in the asana. No guilt. No shame. No fear.

When your Yoga practice becomes a pain in the asana. No guilt. No shame. No fear.

Attaining a mature practice can only happen through piling up nearly countless failed attempts to become skilled enough in the techniques to avoid the painful consequences that come from wrong thinking, wrong effort, mistakes, misperceptions, and other for
Blessed Apathy

Blessed Apathy

Ashtanga is not arbitrarily difficult or demanding—no, the practice provides you with a perfect, explicit model of what it takes to come to the mastery of anything. And the requirements of Ashtanga’s sacrifice are so blatant, physical and explicit.
How do I practice or cultivate devotion in my asanas?

How do I practice or cultivate devotion in my asanas?

I’m going to tell you a secret about myself. I started practicing Yoga for sport. To stretch my muscles out from running. I taught myself how to practice for devotion.
Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

Dear Future Ex-Lovers of Ashtanga

To me the ashtanga family is like a fragile eco system and thus your own internal relationships and the external relationships with others in the family have to be tended to very carefully in order maintain a balance. And so even though I may disagree wi

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