China - Harness the Power of Foundational Poses for Mastery of 2nd & 3rd Series

Friday, October 25, 2024 - Tuesday, October 29, 2024
China - Harness the Power of Foundational Poses for Mastery of 2nd & 3rd Series

Harness the Power of Foundational Poses for Mastery of 2nd & 3rd Series

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A Mysore intensive provides the student with a concentrated and heightened learning experience that will help him/her develop practical and technical yoga skills and immerse him/her in the practice's inspirational magic and poetic soul. The student will develop skill in applying the practice techniques in ways that are logical, challenging, intelligent, and fun.

One focus will be on exploring and learning how to follow the system while creating a practice that honors individuality, versatility, and creativity. Each student will receive valuable one-to-one guidance from David on how to develop his/her personal practice. In addition to the Mysore sessions, there will be breath and bandhas classes, as well as asana theory and yoga philosophy from sacred texts.



Asana Theory Classes

The asana theory classes will use foundational asanas to learn intermediate and advanced asanas. You'll learn the logical steps that begin with the basic poses (Surya Namaskara, standing, and finishing) and progress to more challenging poses, such as those in the second and third Series. You'll learn about analyzing a complex asana from the viewpoint of its more basic foundation.  Starting from the foundation allows you to identify a set of logical steps that make available different options for working the pose, ranging from more accessible to more challenging.   You'll learn safe modifications for each pose and exercises/drills that build strength and flexibility efficiently. This emphasis on safety and efficiency will reassure you and boost your confidence in your practice. Working with a stepwise approach to intermediate and advanced asanas also allows you to find suitable ways of playing with more complex poses. 

Sample of poses to be studied:


2nd series: Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Laghu Varjrasana, and Kapotasana

3rd series: Viparita Dandasana, Natarajasana, Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana)


2nd series: Bakasana, Tittibhasana, Pincha Mayurasana, Karandvasana, Mayurasana, Nakrasana, 7 Sirsasana variations

3rd series:  Galavasana, Astavakrasana


2nd series:  Eka Pada Sirsasana, Dwi Pada Sirsasana, Yoga Nidrasana, Vatayanasana, Gomukhasana

3rd series:   Kashyapasana, Durvasana, Pari Purna Matseyandrasana


Breath, Bandhas, and Pranayama Classes

These classes will focus on 3 elements:

1) Connecting breath with transitions, following breath to the end of movements and skeleton lines:  Uddhyana and Jalandhara Bandha gestures. 
2) Learn to highlight bandhas in the asana sequences like Prasarita Padottanasana and Janu Sirsasana B
3) Pranayama: Ujjayi breath work, Vayu patterns, Viloma, Khumbhaka

Philosophy Classes

The philosophy talks will focus on the meaning and application of Nadi Shodana (2nd Series)—cleansing of the energy (pranic) channels and Sthira Bhaga (3rd Series)—on stability, grounding, trustworthiness, and certainty.


Online & In Person Schedule

All classes will be livestreamed and recorded except for the Mysore class. The Mysore class is for students who are taking the course in-person.

October 25

8:00-9:30am — Mysore  (doors open at 7:30am)  
9:30-10:15am — Breath, Bandhas, and Pranayama    
11:30-1:30pm — Asana Theory - arm balances

October 26

8:00-9:30am — Mysore  (doors open at 7:30am)  
9:30-10:15am — Breath, Bandhas, and Pranayama    
11:30-1:30pm — Asana Theory - hip openers

October 27

8:00-9:30am — Mysore  (doors open at 7:30am)  
9:30-10:15am — Breath, Bandhas, Pranayama      
11:30-1:30pm — Asana Theory – backbends

October 28

8:00-9:30am — Mysore  (doors open at 7:30am) 
9:30-10:15am — Breath, Bandhas, Pranayama    
12:00-1:15 — Asana Theory - standing postures
1:15-2:30 - Philosophy

October 29

8:00-9:30am — Mysore  (doors open at 7:30am)
10:00-11:15am — Yoga Philosophy



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