Asana Technology Primary Series In-Depth Study

Saturday, July 15, 2023 - Sunday, August 6, 2023
online via zoom
Asana Technology Primary Series In-Depth Study
$185 USD

In-depth study of Surya Namaskara, Standing Poses, 1st Series Poses, and Finishing Poses. 


Class includes: 

-building skill in transitions 

-exploring alignment when staying in the poses

-maximizing the possibilities for safely and effectively building strength and flexibility 

-modifications and use of props to simplify and/or target desirable actions/positions 

-customizing—strategies for tailoring the series to suit your needs—examples include thinking in categories of poses and also how to create short forms  

-troubleshooting difficult transitions/poses.  


Dates and Timings

July 15th-August 6th

Saturdays and Sundays

Saturday 9-11am EST

Sundays 10-noon EST


Pricing and other info


Zoom links will be sent out the night before the first day of class. 

Recordings will be made available. Students will have access to recordings until September 6th.

If you're struggling with making the payment or have any other questions or concerns, email

Register Here

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