Louisville, Kentucky

Friday, April 4, 2025 - Sunday, April 6, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky

Pranayama and the Supporting Philosophy

Louisville, Kentucky

Register - https://yogaeast.org/

April 4-6, 2025




Pranayama: Path of Discovering the Miracle of Breath

This class will include opening up to the compelling beauty of breath by using a selection of asanas and transitions from the Primary Series as well as work on the early sections of the Ashtanga yoga pranayama sequence. When Sri K Pattabhi Jois, late founder of Ashtanga Yoga, said that Ashtanga yoga is “all including” he meant that all the important hatha yoga techniques (including pranayama and bandhas) are built into structure of the practice. This lively, engaging class will bring into focus precisely how doing asanas and vinyasas in the prescribed way can give you a new curiosity about your breath that leads new skill in breathing and enhanced ability to understand and perform mudras (bandhas).



The 3 Sublime Aspects of Pranayama (part 1)

Featuring the art of exhaling, the art of inhaling, and the art of retention

Further playful explorations of the Ashtanga yoga pranayama sequence—including work with Bhastrika, Surya and Chandra Bhedana, and Sitali techniques. Applying “Sthira Sukham” to your pranayama seat (both supine and upright options.) Working with some helpful layers of breathing techniques that up lead up to Kumbhaka—the central focus of pranayama.

List of layers of breathing techniques as follows:

A) Natural breath

B) Ujjayi

C) Prana and Apana Vayu’s (twins that are opposites)

1) Apana Vayu-the downward-moving contraction of force awakened by exhaling

2) Prana Vayu-the upward-moving expansion force awakened by inhaling

D) Mudras or energetic seals, locks,

1) Uddiyana Bandha during retention after exhaling

2) Mula Bandha during retention after exhaling

3) Jalandhara Bandha during retention after inhalationE) Kumbhaka retention, creating a pause/rest/gap between breaths

1) Viloma interrupting the breath in stages (ex and in)

2) retention after exhaling before inhaling

3) retention after inhaling before exhaling



Pranayama According to the Yoga Sutras

“The learned know that the philosophy and the discipline are one and the same.” – Bhagavad Gita. In this talk David will detail what the yoga sutras 2.46 – 2.54, say about pranayama.



The 3 Sublime Aspects of Pranayama (part 2)

In this class we will work with the technique called Viloma (interrupting the breath with mini retentions). Viloma teaches and awakens the full spectrum of power that can be summoned and harnessed through catching bandhas and valuing the quality of stillness during Kumbhaka. Lastly, we will enjoy an uninterrupted flow through the complete Ashtanga Pranayama sequence! Don’t fear--this will be a gentle, fully customizable, nicely challenging culmination of the weekend.



Connections Between Breath, Prana, Karma, and Dharma

This talk will center around interpreting passages from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Pradipika, and other texts—highlighting such themes as summoning courage to maintain a daily practice, walking your own unique chosen path, developing skill in risk taking, and exploring the role of breath in helping you to act skillfully and awaken the life force within.



Register through www.yogaeast.org.

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